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Maha Shivratri

Shivratri Talks ,Quotes and Videos

Maha Shivratri: Text
Maha Shivratri: Video
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H. H. Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi

Shiva is there within us and we shine with that power within us that is of Kundalini. You may be very well dressed, you may be anything. If your vibrations are bad, what’s the use? If you cannot judge people by their vibrations, by nonsensical things like dress and moustaches, is it of any value?

Maha Shivratri: Quote

"From your heart, the attachment to things must go away. A person who is a Shiva Bhakti – he doesn’t care for money, he doesn’t know about money. He is a very generous person, extremely. He’s just generous. People say he is stupid the way he goes on, the way he goes on. But I don’t think so. That’s not at all the description. The description of a man who is a bhakta of Shiva has no interest in money, is very generous. Anything you ask from that, he’ll give."


Maha Shivratri: Quote

'Another quality of Shivabhakta* should be joy. You should be joyous about everything – whatever you see, whatever type of person you see. So the only way you can do, is give up human quality of criticism – to criticise others'


Maha Shivratri: Quote

"You see how Shiva lives. He lives in the Himalayas. See what clothes He wears, what He eats. He has no demand for anything because He is complete, He is perfect. Such a personality is Shiva’s. And if you are worshipping Him, you should find out within your heart what sort of feelings you have, what sort of malice you nurture."


Maha Shivratri: Quote

'Think of Shiva. He never thought of money. He never wanted any money. He never wanted to show off himself. There is such a difference between Shiva and Shakti. In their whole attitude. Because Shiva is absolutely a liberated personality, he’s not bothered. If the people are indulging into wrong things, he’ll destroy – finished! He doesn’t want to cure, He doesn’t want to improve, nothing of the kind. But for the Shakti it is important, because this is Her child, this universe is Her child. All this is created by Her, so naturally She is worried and She doesn’t like people who try to take to mean things and nonsense"


Maha Shivratri: Quote

'First of all the ego you have – who will destroy that? That too somehow. Shiva is in your Sahasrara. He is sitting in the Sahasrara; now remember, on top of everything.'

H. H. Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi

Maha Shivratri: Quote

"The Guru tattwa is the Shiva. The form of the Shiva’s power we should consider as the Guru’s power. Because when we take the powers from the Guru’s shakti, and when the shaktis come within us then we ourselves become the Guru And with this, we are blessed for the whole life (Kalyan). The one who gets these powers, it seems he has got all the blessings (kalyan)."


Maha Shivratri: Quote

"But He does not look after the evil people He destroys them. Those who enter into Sahaja Yoga and are still carrying on with their evil nature are destroyed. Those who come to Sahaja Yoga and do not meditate and do not rise He destroys, or they are thrown out of Sahaja Yoga. Those who murmur against God and live in a way that is not behoving a sahaja yogi, He removes them from it. So by one force, He protects, by another force, He throws away. But His destructive forces when they are built up too much, then we call it – now the Ekadasha Rudra is active."

H. H. Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi

Maha Shivratri: Quote

"If there is Shiva in your heart, you will love everyone in a very beautiful manner. There won’t be any nonsensical ideas about love. Just pure love, pure love for all the people. With the blessing, then all your harshness goes away. For example if you have a little power, little power – so you start to misuse it. Look at Shiva, he has so many powers; if he starts misusing it, there won’t be even a blade of grass left on this earth. How much you are sinful, selfish, you know that. But still he gives you a chance ‘So let’s see, they might improve’. And he is extremely generous, extremely generous, he is very forgiving and also extremely generous."

H. H. Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi

Maha Shivratri: Quote
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